
Understanding cardiac ailments

This began as a pet-project over the course of my third year as a Biomed undergrad. I had taken two electives in the mechanical engineering department to study fluid dynamics, and the concepts grew on me. The courses provided insight on CFD in atmospheric scales and built environments but the same concepts were applicable in smaller scales with different boundary conditions - so I applied it to blood vessels. The idea was to simulate and visualize turbulence in obstructed blood flow. I cannot openly reveal the details of the paper due to copyrights but you may subscribe and read on IEEE Xplore. I welcome your feedback.

Title: 3-dimensional computational study of blood flow in pathophysiologically affected arteries simulated in OpenFOAM

The paper on IEEE Xplore:

  • S. Srinivasan and D. Madathil, Proceedings of 2016 8th CIBEC, IEEE, Pg 35-38 (2016)

  • Biology in Sustainable Housing

    Early February, 2016, I was asked to accompany a senior professor (my current thesis guide) and a peer to Pondicherry. We had a meeting with the lead architect at Studio Naqshbandi in Auroville who had requested our involvement in their latest project to build the coastline's first fully passive sustainable house. At first, I felt rather out of place with heat and mass transfer topics dictating the discussion. However, once the design elements, fluid dynamics and biological systems came into the picture, it turned out to be a nurturing experience to work with professional architects, engineers and artists. This project would go on to expand my personal definition of my field. It was presented at the 'Living and Sustainability Conference' organized by AMPS at London South Bank University, and subsequently published in the following open-access journal.

    Sat Ghosh et. al., Sustainable design interventions for the built environment A synergistic study of computational fluid dynamics and art

    The paper is open-access:

  • AMPS Proceedings Series 9: Living and Sustainability: An Environmental Critique of Design and Building Practices, Locally and Globally. ISSN 2398-9467